
how to book train ticket from phonepe with 3 easy steps |train ticket from phonepe

how to book train ticket from phonepe with 3 easy steps and get cash back  do you want to book train ticket from phone pe and earn cash back then you have to follow this steps   steps to follow to book train ticket from phone pe open phone pe app and at the bottom of phone pe app you can see switch button click on that  then you will be taken to next page    in that page at the bottom you see the option called travel & taxi click on that  then you will be take next page  and in that page scroll down you must see the option called irctc option click on that  then you will move to next page of official irctc page  from there you can book your train ticket  have a nice day

hyderabad metro station lost your belongings do this

DO YOU WANT TO KNOW HOW TO RETRIEVE YOUR LOST OR FORGET BELONGINGS IN HYDERABAD METRO STATION Lost phone in Hyderabad metro station Anyone who has  lost  their stuff in  metro  train or  metro  station can approach or contact grievance department in every metro station you can approach them tell your lost item and then you have to write letter and they will enquirer  Lost & Found Our Lost & Found team records details of items that have been misplaced or located by passengers within Metro train premises. Wallets, pens, mobile phones and stationary may be deposited to the Station Controller. We will make all reasonable attempts to return lost items to the owners. Our team will inform you in case the item is recovered within 90 days. Please do not touch or open any unattended item inside Metro premises or Metro trains. Inform Metro station staff  complaint box hyderabad metro station 040-2333...

online train booking | book train ticket online

online train booking | book your train ticket online  from here fill the form and you can see your train ticket online here click on blue box to check your pnr status train booking book your train ticke online for free Under the 'Book your ticket' section passengers can enter 'from' and 'to' railway stations, date of the journey and can also choose the class. Different filters as per departure/arrival time, class, train, and quota help the user plan the journey better. 2. ... The passenger also gets the option to modify the search.

check pnr train status

click on blue box to check your pnr status pnr status train booking A Passenger Name Record (PNR) is a record in the database of a computer reservation system (CRS) that contains the itinerary for a passenger, or a group of passengers travelling together. The concept of a PNR was first introduced by airlines that needed to exchange reservation information in case passengers required flights of multiple airlines to reach their destination (“interlining”). For this purpose, IATA and ATA have defined standards for interline messaging of PNR and other data through the "ATA/IATA Reservations Interline Message Procedures - Passenger" (AIRIMP). There is no general industry standard for the layout and content of a PNR. In practice, each CRS or hosting system has its own proprietary standards, although common industry needs, including the need to map PNR data easily to AIRIMP messages, has resulted in many general similarities in data content and format between a...